Episode 158

Are you feeling overwhelmed about homeschooling? Do you constantly feel like you’re not doing enough? Are you hoping to find more ease in homeschooling?

Then this episode of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast is a must-listen! I’ll delve into the idea of mixing mindset and implementation for effective homeschooling and share three simple suggestions to shift into ease and connection with your kiddos.

These three easy-to-implement suggestions that can help shift your perspective and bring more joy into your homeschooling routine. Discover the importance of incorporating lively arts in education, understanding your child’s developmental stage, and the value of flexibility. Plus, I’ll guide you through additional resources to better comprehend and apply these suggestions.

Below in the show notes, you’ll find an outline to follow along with the episode and relevant links. Let’s get started!

Find More Ease in Homeschooling

A successful homeschooling journey is not about checking off boxes or completing lesson books, but about deep, cumulative learning and warm connections over time.

Here are 3 suggestions for finding more ease in homeschooling:

#1: The lively arts are all about fostering creativity

  • The lively arts are about fostering creativity, not creating perfect end products.
  • As home educators, we can celebrate creativity, even if the result differs from our expectations.
  • Encouraging creativity will allow the learning experiences to live deeply in your child.
  • You’ll find more ease in homeschooling if you let creativity blossom and focus on connection, not perfection!

#2: Let an understanding of child development guide you

  • Deepen your understanding of understanding your child’s developmental stage. If the lesson material matches your child’s developing consciousness, the learning process will flow with more ease.
  • Seek out resources to learn more about the developmental nature of Waldorf-inspired homeschooling and enhancing your skills of observation.
  • A wonderful, free resource to start with is Ages & Stages: Waldorf-inspired Grades at a Glance.
  • By focusing on what your child needs to grow and thrive holistically, you can provide an environment where your child feels at home in the world.

#3: Allow for flexibility and focus on connection

  • Homeschooling can be flexible! It’s wonderful to allow your child to take a break, skip a lesson or day, or change the rhythm occasionally. You’ll find more ease if you allow for some flexibility!
  • For some children, this disruption in rhythm can be challenging, but for most kdidos, this flexibility can foster a sense of understanding and connection, making them more receptive to lessons in the future.
  • Remember that success in homeschooling is measured by deep, cumulative learning and warm connections, not by completing tasks or checking off boxes.

Find Ease in the Joyful Journey of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is an exciting journey that can be both creative and connected. By incorporating the lively arts, understanding your child’s developmental stage, and valuing flexibility, you can make homeschooling a joyful experience for both you and your children.

Let’s turn homeschooling into a creative, connected, and joyful journey for both you and your children. Thanks for listening to the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, now with over 100,000 downloads!

The Three Pillars of Waldorf-inspired Homeschooling

More Resources Exploring Mindset from the Art of Homeschooling

More Resources Exploring Implementation

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FREE Guide to
Ages & Stages

Discover the wonders of each stage of learning so you can bring your children exactly what they need and homeschool with more confidence.

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