Episode 119

Help! We lost our motivation!” I hear that a lot from homeschooling parents. And so in this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast, I want to talk about how to create momentum in your homeschool.

Momentum is the key to homeschooling with more ease. If you’re struggling in your homeschool because you feel like you’re losing momentum, here are 7 keys to create, build, and keep your momentum moving in the right direction.

Let me tell you that waiting around for motivation is NOT one of the keys!

Momentum is that impetus gained by moving in a certain direction. Motivation is the desire to act in service of a goal.

But motivation doesn’t always bring about momentum if we don’t take that first step.

So, how do you create momentum instead of waiting for motivation?

Create Momentum in Your Homeschool

  1. Simplify your homeschool plans and daily rhythm ~ When our days get busy and stressful, it becomes so hard to prioritize. I often say, “Scale back until it works, then build back up from there.”
  2. Allow your rhythms to unfold naturally rather than forcing them to happen ~ It can be extra difficult to force or hurry the creative aspects of Waldorf-inspired homeschooling. Activities such as putting on puppet plays, or watercolor painting, or modeling with clay. If these things are in your lesson plan, and you feel rushed, it’s best to put them aside for a day when you have more time and space. And if these creative aspects happen once a month or a few times a year, that’s a win! We’re looking for momentum, not pressure. So allow your rhythms to unfold.
  3. Look for small wins. Success is motivating and small wins create momentum ~ Even the smallest efforts to get going can contribute to momentum. If you’re struggling because you feel like you’re losing momentum, do something that will make you feel accomplished. 
  4. Borrow your child’s enthusiasm or motivation from one project for another ~ Notice when your child is excited and harness that natural motivation for other projects, especially ones that your child might not choose to do on their own.
  5. Batch plan for some activities ~ This works really well for lots of homeschooling activities we as parents want to plan and prep for. For example, if learning poetry and verses is part of daily plan, then consider finding poems for a whole month or block. Or plan and practice the form drawings you’ll teach over the next few weeks. Also, this works for writing math problems. Perhaps when you sit down to work on planning, go ahead and write a whole page or two of math problems for a month of math practice. This can really help you gain momentum!
  6. Use the element of surprise ~ Surprise yourself and your kids. Follow your gut instinct. Switch up the schedule. Break out of self-imposed molds and declare that you’re going to bring some fun to your lessons/days/weeks. Get used to following your inspiration because when life is fun, we’re all more motivated!
  7. Interrupt your judgy thought-loops ~ Remember, mindfulness is observation without judgment. Love yourself enough to LET GO of pain and shame about how things have gone in the past. Each day is a new day. Each moment is a new moment.

    Become aware of the story you’re telling yourself about how you should have done this or that, or how your children should have a different experience in life. Take time to pause and interrupt your thought patterns. Observe without judgements. Try on new perspectives. Be curious about how life is unfolding. Be willing to let go of thoughts that do not serve you!

    You can interrupt those judgy thought-loops and intentionally choose more motivating thoughts instead.

You’ve Got This!

Above all, I want you to know that you are an awesome homeschooler. Just by being YOU, you are giving your children exactly what they need and your homeschooling journey is unfolding as it should.

If you’re ready to experience this peace of mind every day on your homeschooling journey, I have a tool for homeschoolers like you.

Homeschool Simplicity? Yes Please!

You’ll find it in The Homeschool Simplicity Bundle ~ The Essential Methods & Mindset You Need to Sustain the Homeschool Life You Truly Desire

Included in the bundle:

  • The Homeschool Simplicity Ebook
  • 3 video trainings:
    • How to Bring it All Together
    • Minimum Viable Homeschooling Day 
    • Simplicity Change Process
  • 14 Beautiful customizable Homeschool Planning Templates
  • Waldorf-inspired Block Outlines for Grades 1-8

Learn as you so homeschooling becomes simple, doable, and inspiring. 💗

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