Episode 189

Hello, homeschooling friend, and welcome to this episode of the Art of Homeschooling podcast all about YOU, and how to make homeschooling work for your family. I’m calling this Create Your Own Vision First.

We all have a tendency to start homeschool planning in the wrong place.😲

I know this to be true from my own homeschooling experience of over 25 years. And from working with homeschooling parents from all over the world for the last 15 years.

Where do you start homeschool planning?

Well, you might start by searching for a curriculum, right?!! Or looking for books and resources to teach all the different topics for the ages and grades your child or children will be in this coming year.

But a much better place to start is by creating your own vision of the year ahead FIRST.

Here’s why…

When you buy all the resources first, before you have a vision for your year, before you have a sense of what your child needs in the coming year, you WILL overbuy. You’ll think you need it all and continue accumulating more and more.

And you’ll end up second-guessing yourself, feeling overwhelmed, and frozen by indecision.

Instead, create your own vision first. 

Create Your Homeschool Vision FIRST

It starts with deciding what your child or children need right now and in the coming year.

Once you’ve identified where you are and where you’re going, then you can begin to map out a realistic plan with those goals in mind.

You can make a simple start of this by compiling a list of subjects, topics, and skills for the upcoming year. Like an overview.

If you’re inspired by the Waldorf approach, you can find a list of typical block topics on my website. Check the resources section below for a link.

Here’s an example ~ In a Waldorf-inspired second grade, we teach a main lesson block of animal fables which can be three or four weeks long. And through the stories we read and share during this block, we can teach the language arts skills our child needs.

Before you purchase any resources, you want to think about what type of animal stories and fables your child might connect with and what skills they need to learn this year.

Maybe check out some books from the library and do some reading on your own to find out what resonates with you and what you think your child will deeply connect with.

The parents who see success with homeschooling learn to make a plan that’s simple and more customized to them and their kiddos or families. 

And by doing that ~ by keeping things simple and learning to customize and personalize the lessons ~ we increase the chances of actually following through with our plans and meeting our children where they are.

Try This Instead

So here’s what I’m inviting you to do today ~ make a decision to make homeschooling easier and not harder.

The truth is, you only have a limited amount of time in your days. And the simpler your plans are, the more likely you’ll be consistent with implementing them.

How many times have we made those lists that include 17+ things to do in a day and we get to just one or two? We end up feeling defeated and wonder how everyone else can do this but we can’t. 

Also, the busier your life is, the simpler you need your homeschool plans to be. 

Creating your own personal planning system is the best way to make this happen.

Don’t Put Too Much on Your Plate

So how can you simplify and keep from putting too much on your plate?

Because trying to do too many things is just a setup for disappointment, discouragement, and even giving up.

It is way better to finish a few things than to have a whole bunch of unfinished things at the end of the day, week, block, or even year.

This is why we start with the vision and work toward creating our own personal planning system.

There is no one-size-fits-all curriculum or homeschool plan. But there is one that’s just right for you. And it’s the one YOU create.

The starting point? Get to know yourself and your child or children and go from there.

Be the Leader in Your Homeschool

I encourage you to create your own overarching vision first before making other decisions.

Because you’re the leader in your homeschool. And then, only use curriculum (which is basically someone else’s plan for their children) as a starting point, a resource, or one example of how it can be done. 

It’s early July as I write and record this episode, and many of you are in the midst of or contemplating planning for the upcoming homeschool year.

Please don’t buy all the resources before you have a vision for your year. Flip it around and create your own vision first. 

That’s what I help homeschoolers do every single day and I’d love to help you, too.

Resources for Planning & Creating Your Vision

Want a simple list of block topics by grade? Get the Waldorf Block Rotation for Homeschoolers, Grades 1-8 over on my website ~ it’s free!

Want to create your own homeschool vision? Listen to Episode #4: Why Are We Homeschooling? How to Write Your Family Vision

If you want more resource ideas, check out our collection of suggested block topics along with favorite resources for every main lesson block and every grade of the elementary years ~ Waldorf Block Topics & Resources for Grades 1-8.

Get colorful planning pages to create your own homeschool planning binder ~ Holistic Planning Pack for Homeschooling.

Join me and a wonderful community of homeschoolers for the 6 Steps to Plan It Out. When you join Inspired at Home for Plan It Out, you’ll get this course plus over 35 others. Along with coaching and community to support you on your homeschooling journey.

Thanks for listening and catch you next time!

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