My Reset Routine

Episode 125 I’m recording this episode on the first day of spring here in the northern hemisphere. And I am craving a fresh start, a reset. So I thought I’d share my simple reset routine with you….

Bring on the Singing

Episode 124 In this podcast episode, I want to encourage you to sing in your homeschool, to bring on the singing. Because sharing our voices with our children is both healing and connecting and that’s what we…

Homeschool Block Schedule

Episode 122 Creating a simple homeschool block schedule can help you stay on track and relieve overwhelm throughout the year. When you plan out your homeschooling year in blocks, inspiration and fortitude are sure to follow. In…

No Perfect Home Educators!

Episode 118 What if I told you there’s no such thing as a perfect teacher? Seriously. Not in a classroom, not in a homeschool. Not anywhere! And there are no perfect home educators. Consider this…What do you…