Homeschooling Through Life’s Curveballs

Episode 219 Life has a way of being unpredictable, and homeschooling adds unique layers to challenges, both big and small. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering how to keep homeschooling through life’s curveballs, listen up for encouraging…

Re-Create Your Homeschool Rhythm

Episode 216 Rather than getting bogged down by decision fatigue or overwhelmed by curriculum choices, learn how establishing a consistent rhythm can bring ease and confidence to your homeschooling day. The topic of this week’s podcast episode…

Learning Side by Side

Episode 213 Imagine a homeschooling journey where learning side by side builds your child’s capacity to learn and ignites a love of lifelong learning at the same time. That’s what we’re getting into on the podcast this…

Fresh Start Energy

Episode 212 Harness the energy of a fresh start to transform your homeschooling journey this year. In this episode of the podcast, Jean shares three new strategies to kindle your inner spark and inspiration after a transition…

Making Time to Rest

Episode 211 The holiday season can be extra crazy for homeschooling families. But along with the preparations and festivities, do you crave a little time to pause and rest? You might feel like it’s not even possible!…

The Eighth Grade Basket: Homeschooling Eighth Grade

Episode 210 Welcome to the final episode in the Ages & Stages series all about homeschooling eighth grade! In this episode, Jean shares how the Waldorf-inspired approach supports the development of the eighth grader with subjects such…