Episode 3
Rhythm is really all about organizing your homeschooling day. Think about music. Music is organized around repeated motifs that the listener anticipates. Rhythm and repetition allow you to relax into the flow. Just as music flows from variation to variation on a theme, our days at home with our children can flow with the ease and simplicity of a beautiful piece of music.
For sure, our lives are complicated. Now more than ever! And the work we do as mothers (and fathers) is so important.
Here in Episode #3 of the Art of Homeschooling Podcast, we’re talking all about how rhythm, routines, and schedules can hold us, support us. Specifically, how to relax into your homeschool rhythm.
Whether you’re new to this idea of rhythm, or you just need a gentle reminder to return your focus to the flow ~ You’ve got this!
“Rhythm is like a dance. And you want to find that sweet spot of structure AND freedom.”
- Life is complicated. Let’s simplify it.
- Rhythm can help you.
- Rhythm is not meant to be rigid.
- Be gentle with yourself.
- Sometimes your rhythm will fall apart (and that’s OK)!
“Do less so you can connect more.”
- “The magic of rhythm is in the process not in the particulars.” ~Kim John Payne
- “Relationships are often built in the intervals, the spaces between activities when nothing much is going on...” ~Kim John Payne
If you want help crafting a rhythm for your family, my free rhythm guide can help. Get it here: Homeschool Rhythm Starter Kit.
And if you want to dive deeper, I have a whole masterclass called Rescue Your Rhythm inside my Inspired at Home membership.
The links below are my referral links which means if you make a purchase after clicking, I may earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more. You can read my full disclosure policy here.
- Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne
- The concept of habit stacking is adapted from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits
“Scale back until it works, then add from there.”
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Want to hear more about rhythm? Watch this video, Start with Rhythm Rather than Curriculum.
You can read Rhythm is (Always) the Answer if you want to better understand a very helpful 2-day main lesson rhythm.
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About the Podcast
The Art of Homeschooling Podcast is for parents who are ready to thrive in homeschooling. In each episode, we share stories and strategies so you can drop the overwhelm and get in touch with inspiration. You CAN create a homeschool life you love.
I’m your host, Jean Miller, homeschooling mother of three now-grown children. And here at the Art of Homeschooling, we keep it sweet and simple so you can focus on cultivating creativity and connection at home.
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