Episode 210

Welcome to the final episode in the Ages & Stages series all about homeschooling eighth grade!

In this episode, Jean shares how the Waldorf-inspired approach supports the development of the eighth grader with subjects such as modern, history, physics, chemistry, human physiology, algebra, and geometry.

If this sounds intimidating or your memories of these topics from your own educational journey are foggy, don’t worry. No one covers it all!

Your goal as a home educator during the eighth grade year is to bring the promise and potential of the world to the heart of your child. Your own curiosity and willingness will carry you through.

In the show notes below, you’ll find an outline of the episode, highlights from the eighth grade year, and an extensive list of suggested resources.

Ready for an adventure? You’ve got this!

It is the task of the [eighth grade curriculum] to place the child absolutely in the present world.” (p. 24)

~Carolyn von heidebrand, The Curriculum of the First Waldorf School (p. 24)

Homeschooling Eighth Grade

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What does a Waldorf-inspired homeschooling year look like with an eighth grader? [0:40]
  • Highlights from the Eighth Grade Waldorf-inspired Curriculum [2:14]
  • Preparing for what comes next [6:35]
  • Beware of the “It’s time to get serious” Trap [10:00]
  • Resources for your eighth grade basket [10:59]

Themes of Study for Homeschooling Eighth Grade

Themes of study this year can include:

  • Modern world history (roughly 1700 to the present)​​​​​​​​
  • Physics​​​​​​​​ & chemistry​​​​​​​​
  • Human physiology​​​​​​​​
  • Short stories​​​​​​​​, poetry, & prose​​​​​​​​
  • World geography: cultural or economic​​​​​​​​
  • Algebra, ratio & proportions, the square root algorithm​​​​​​​​
  • Area, volume, & exploration of geometric solids (Platonic solids)

The Eighth Grade Basket

Some of the links below are my referral links which simply means that I may earn a commission from products you purchase via my links at no additional cost to you. You can read my full disclosure policy here.

And here are some materials specifically for the parent:

Navigating through the Ages and Stages of Waldorf-inspired Homeschooling

Find a ✨FREE✨ printable guide to the ages and stages of Waldorf-inspired homeschooling HERE!

The Ages & Stages Guide: Waldorf-Inspired Grades at a Glance is an invaluable resource for your homeschooling reference library! It offers highlights and main lesson topics from each grade,  kindergarten through grade eight.

And don’t miss the previous episodes in this Ages & Stages series:

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Ages & Stages

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