Homeschooling Podcast

Welcome to the Art of Homeschooling Podcast where we help you build
a homeschooling life you love by keeping it simple, inspiring, and doable.
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Art of Homeschooling Podcast
Create a Simple Summer Rhythm Maybe you remember summer days like I do, filled with lemonade stands, picnics, building forts, and catching fireflies in a jar. And now when summer rolls around, you’re ready for some R&R,  free and easy days, and a sprinkling of adventure.  But as a homeschooling ... Read More
Art of Homeschooling Podcast
Celebrate Your Homeschool Year Let's talk about why and how to celebrate your homeschool year.  There was a year when my boys were young that I call The Year We Only Did One Main Lesson Block THE ENTIRE YEAR. Yep! I learned the hard way how to celebrate even the ... Read More
Art of Homeschooling Podcast
The Story of the Everlasting Tree School: a Conversation with One of the Founders, Amy Bomberry In this episode, I talk with Amy Bomberry, one of the co-founders of The Everlasting Tree School. The Everlasting Tree School was founded in June 2010 by a group of parents and teachers seeking ... Read More

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“Listening to Jean is like reading a really good book
that only has the parts worth reading highlighted!”
~ Elizabeth

About the Podcast

The Art of Homeschooling Podcast is for parents who are ready to shine in homeschooling. In each new episode, we share stories and strategies so you can drop the overwhelm and get in touch with inspiration. You CAN create a homeschool life you love. 

I’m your host, Jean Miller, a homeschooling mother of three grown children. And here at the Art of Homeschooling, we keep it sweet and simple so you can focus on cultivating inspiration in your home.

If you’re looking for help with your homeschooling right away, I offer 1:1 Mentor Sessions. I can help you feel more confident and get you back on track with just one session.

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Ages & Stages

Discover the wonders of each stage of learning so you can bring your children exactly what they need and homeschool with more confidence.