Homeschooling Podcast
Welcome to the Art of Homeschooling Podcast where we help you build
a homeschooling life you love by keeping it simple, inspiring, and doable.
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“Listening to Jean is like reading a really good book
that only has the parts worth reading highlighted!”
~ Elizabeth
About the Podcast
The Art of Homeschooling Podcast is for parents who want to feel more confident and relaxed in homeschooling. In each new episode, we share stories and strategies so you can drop the overwhelm and get in touch with inspiration. You CAN create a homeschool life you love.
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I’m your host, Jean Miller, a homeschooling mother of three grown children. And here at the Art of Homeschooling, we keep it sweet and simple so you can focus on cultivating inspiration in your home.
If you’re looking for help with your homeschooling, explore everything I offer here! I can help you gain more clarity and confidence today. 😉
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