Episode 63


It’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s as I write and record this episode all about trusting the power of stillness.  This is one of my favorite times of the year. So still. So dark. And so restful.

So I want to talk about renewal. How we can renew and replenish ourselves.

How can we trust the power of stillness and rediscover what matters most?

Let me ask you this:

  • Are things around you a bit chaotic?
  • Maybe you’re feeling a little low in energy?
  • Perhaps your children are challenging and stretching you in new ways?
  • Are the crazy things happening in the world rattling you? (I’m hearing this a lot from homeschooling parents right now.)
  • Or are you just not sure what inspires you right now?

Because no matter where you are, I want to help you take just one tiny step in the direction of reclaiming your sparkle and renewing your energy.

This quiet and darker time of the year is perfect for that. For me, it’s a time to find some fresh, simple practices to help rejuvenate my spirit.

“In stillness, the world is restored.” ~ Lao Tzu

Plant the Seed of Stillness and Renewal

It’s a sublime time of year to consider an inner work practice of meditation, reflection, or prayer. To create a simple daily practice that feeds your soul. So that you can renew your energy and bring your best self to your children and family each day.

 And I just want to plant a seed here.

What’s ONE simple daily practice just for YOU that you might start as a way to pause and re-center? And to remember what matters most in your life.

If you want to hear about my simple practice of using a poem as the anchor for my daily meditative moment during my busy homeschooling years, check out Episode #12, Inner Quiet and Self-Reflection for Homeschooling Parents. In the show notes of that episode, you’ll find a set of free printable Inspiration Cards, too. ?

This year, I’ve decided my new daily practice is going to be yoga.

Yoga is not new to me. But…I’ve tended to skip it when I don’t have time. And guess what!?! Most days I decide I don’t have time!

So my new practice is to do yoga every day even if I only have ten minutes!

A Powerful Visualization

One last idea I want to leave you with is a creative visualization or meditation you might try.

First a little background.

Every year around the Solstice, I gather with a group of five women friends to walk a spiral outdoors.

One of my friends gathers the greens and sets up a spiral in her backyard with a log and lantern in the center. We each arrive with a jar and candle. And as we sing, each of us gets a chance to walk the spiral. It’s just magical.

And every year, I discover a new message that often surprises me ~ some personal insight from this reverent activity.

I think the magic comes from just taking the time to be still and quiet.

The act of walking into the center of the spiral while releasing and letting go of what no longer serves, pausing in the center to listen and receive, lighting my candle from the lantern, and then returning renewed. It surprises and delights me every time.

Here’s something you could try on your own to delve into this sense of letting go and renewal. The spiral can be a powerful visualization. Perhaps you could find some time to sit quietly, even for just a few minutes. And experience the spiral like this:

  • Visualize moving into the center of a spiral while letting go of what no longer serves you;
  • Stop and pause in the center to listen for any messages from God or the Universe or the Great Spirit;
  • Then visualize moving back out of the spiral with a new feeling of lightness and renewal.

I consider meditation or centering, grounding practices like this to be one of the Lively Arts, but for parents!

Trusting the Power of Stillness

Rudolf Steiner referred to these kinds of practices as Inner Work. But whatever you call it, developing some sort of life-affirming practice that feeds our souls is so important to renew our own energy for what we bring to our children.

I truly hope these ideas inspire you to take a little time this week for yourself. To trust in the power of stillness so you can experience a sense of renewal going into this new year.

“Hold your candlelight, in the dark of night, celebrate the cold and stillness.” ~unknown

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